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S.I.P. - School Improvement Plan

(This is the S.I.P. plan. For Report click here)


Blackness Primary School Improvement Plan - 2018-19 



The aims of the school are aligned to and informed by the National Improvement Framework Priorities, and the Dundee Annual Education Plan and the Tayside Plan for Children, Young People and Families.  They are further informed by self-evaluation and associated toolkits.



This Plan will be implemented via a cycle of planned activities including consultation with pupils and parents and liaison with partners to evaluate the impact of improvement activities. The Plan links directly to self-evaluation toolkit information.




NIF Priorities:

  1. Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;
  2. Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;
  3. Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing, and;
  4. Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people



NIF Drivers:

  1. School Leadership
  2. Teacher Professionalism
  3. Parental Engagement
  4. Assessment of Children’s Progress
  5. School Improvement
  6. Performance Information


Tayside Vision for Children, Young People and Families

“Our children and young people will have the best start in life and Tayside will be the best place in Scotland to grow up.”


Tayside’s Five Priorities for Children, Young People and Families


  1. Our children will have the best start in life; they will be cared for and supported to live in nurturing environments.
  2. Our children, young people, and their families will be meaningfully engaged with learning, and combined with high quality learning experiences, all children and young people will extend their potential.
  3. Our children and young people will be physically and mentally and emotionally healthy.
  4. Our children and young people who experience particular inequalities and disadvantage will achieve health, wellbeing and educational outcomes comparable with all other children and young people.
  5. Our children and young people will feel safe and protected from harm at home, school and in the community.


School Vision, Values, Aims:   

Why are we here?

Blackness Primary School provides staff, pupils and families with experiences that promote a positive mindset, engagement, learning and enjoyment.  This is developed through relationships between home, school and our community whilst drawing on wider expertise and resources.  We operate on a level of mutual respect, with the understanding that “Everyone Here Matters”.

We develop our community through supported challenge and a wide range of opportunities and experiences.

We will nurture positive relationships:

We will promote and extend learning

We will develop engagement in learning:

We will include our whole community:

We will promote and support health and wellbeing in our community


All staff demonstrate ambition to improve and develop our community’s skills and opportunities. We work together to overcome any challenges we may encounter.

Consultation and Collaborative Self-Evaluation Processes

(the processes used to involve partners with self-evaluation and improvement planning; pupils, parents (council/forum), staff; partner agencies; volunteers.)

Blackness Primary School operates an annual “Quality Assurance Plan” which sets out a schedule for quality assurance and self evaluation processes. These systems  involve pupils, parents, school staff and allow us to evaluate the work and life of our school in order to create the best environment and practices for all.


Pupils have a range of systems which they use to convey their opinions and views. The Blackness Improvers Group (our Pupil Council) meet regularly with the intent to improve our school. Surveys and focus group discussions are used to gauge pupil opinion and experience. Suggestions are made through the comments folder beside the HT room. Informal conversations with pupils often brings about pupil recommendations for change.


Staff have planned professional discussion opportunities when self evaluation discussions take place. An annual audit of improvement planning and work of the school is carried out in May each year. Staff meetings also provide a source of information which informs school improvement. Moderation events held within school and within the cluster provide us with information as to how consistent our service is.  PRD discussions allow us to learn of staff development needs and interests and can direct personal interest towards improvement. Our Working Time Agreement group help to prioritise development initiatives 


Our systems to gather Parental/Carer opinion on school improvement include discussion at Pre Agenda (HT and Chair only) and Full Agenda meetings of Friends of Blackness. We use questionnaires each year to survey opinions of the wider group of parents. Informal conversations with our parental body also provide valuable contributions towards improvement.


Blackness Primary School was inspected in May 2014 by Education Scotland.  The report issued as a result of this, provided us with additional evidence of continuous improvement and highlighted key areas for development. 

Quality Assurance Processes

The work and life of the school is monitored through a range of quality assurance procedures which feed into our self evaluation process. Assessment Data is analysed to inform us of trends, areas for improvement and cohort profiles. Our monthly behaviour sweep helps us to monitor relationships in classes and around the school. Attendance Data is reviewed on a monthly basis and we annually review our partnership with Dundee Educational Psychology Service. Statistics of participation from Active Schools and Music Instructor service also contribute to our picture of our school.


Long-Term SIP Overview


16 – 17

17 – 18

18 – 19

19 – 20

20 – 21

21 – 22

NIF Priority










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NIF Driver










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HGIOS 4 QI Focus













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Blackness Primary School Priorities and Action Plan

Please refer to Appendix (i) for guidance in completing this Action Plan

Improvement Priority 1:

Almost all Pupils, Parents and Teachers will be satisfied that we  deliver a curriculum which demonstrates a progressive and broad content which is relevant, enjoyable, challenging and allows specialisation to support children in their future learning life and work


Key NIF Priorities:

Improved Employability/Sustained Destinations

Improvement in Attainment

Improving Health and Wellbeing

Tayside Five Priorities:

Meaningful Engagement, Extended Potential

Meaningful Engagement, Extended Potential

Comparable Outcomes for All Despite Inequality-Disadvantage(Equity)

Key NIF Drivers:

Teacher Professionalism

School Leadership

School Improvement

Key HGIOS 4 QIs:

2.2 Curriculum

3.2 Raising Attainment-Achievement

3.3 Increasing Creativity-Employability



(what we are going to achieve?)


(what will we do?)

Measurement Tools

(How we will know we are making a difference?)


(what has improved?)


(who will lead this and who is involved?)

  • Teachers will agree and use a framework across the school which will provide progression and breadth of learning


  • Pupils in P1-5 classes will be accessing a progressive programme of French


  • Pupils in P5 will begin learning of L3


  • Teachers will be supported and have confidence in the delivery of modern language teaching


  • Pupils will have opportunities to apply discreet learning skills through real life and meaningful situations in classroom and outdoor situations


  • Pupils will be able to demonstrate skills in Digital Technologies that will both support their learning and give them an understanding of computer technology


  • A common language and attitude relating to Growth Mindset will be established throughout the school.
  • Working group established
  • Audit current practices
  • Audit the coverage of Experiences and Outcomes
  • Rebundle experiences and outcomes relating to Social Subjects/ Sciences and Technologies.
  • Share suggested framework with whole school


  • Teachers will use the progressive programme of French already established in school
  • Teachers will take part in CLPL events to build confidence and competence in a modern language



  • Teachers will liaise with Harris staff to establish support and a programme of L3


  • CLPL sessions will be accessed in our Cluster
  • CLPL sessions will be accessed from the central team



  • Working group to be established.
  • Training to be provided for teachers to use the outdoor space to enhance learning
  • Resources to be prepared and maintained for teachers to access
  • Local partnerships will be established and resources used.



  • Through the delivery of ICT as RCT children will all take part in a progressive programme of ICT skill development
  • Programme will be established
  • Training to support the programme will be provided



  • Growth Mindset Champions will develop projects within their classes, share these experiences with staff. Consult with staff to develop commonly used growth mindset messages and scripts

Feedback from parents and children and young people

Pupil learning plans and achievement

A progressive programme will be used throughout the school.

Children will report satisfaction and challenge in their learning


Pupil learning plans and achievement

Children will be able to use expected language at their appropriate level


Pupil learning plans and achievement

Children will progress to Secondary school with knowledge of 2 modern Languages.

Pupil learning plans and achievement

Children will progress to Secondary school with knowledge of 2 modern Languages.


Feedback from parents and children and young people

Pupil learning plans and achievement

Children will use the outdoor space a for a learning purpose


Feedback from parents and children and young people

Pupil learning plans and achievement

Children will be able to demonstrate discreet ICT skills

Children will transfer their learning into independent activity


Feedback from parents and children and young people

Children will demonstrate a can do attitude and show resiliency

Children will be able to clearly identify what they are learning and the discipline related to tis

Children will have a wider range of skills and experiences which can be transferred into application tasks


Children will extend their learning of a language to a greater expectation


Children will extend their learning of another language.


Children will extend their learning of a language to a greater expectation


Children will have opportunities to apply learning and develop problem solving  in real life, enjoyable \and motivating situations


Children will have a consistent experience of learning through Technologies

Children will be able to apply their learning into personal challenges


Application to learning and determination to improve

Gordon Ferrier








Debbie Brown

All Teaching Staff




Debbie Brown

P5-7 Teachers



All Teaching Staff




Lynsey McLaren






Ian Cameron

All Teaching Staff







Emma Nivison

Aimee Roy

All Teaching Staff



Improvement Priority 2:

All pupils will experience appropriate Learning and Teaching in order to meet learning and pastoral needs across the school


Key NIF Priorities:

Improvement in Attainment

Closing the Attainment Gap

Improving Health and Wellbeing

Tayside Five Priorities:

Meaningful Engagement, Extended Potential

Physically, Mentally, Emotionally Healthy

Comparable Outcomes for All Despite Inequality-Disadvantage(Equity)

Key NIF Drivers:

Teacher Professionalism

School Leadership

Assessement of Progress

Key HGIOS 4 QIs:

2.4 Personalised Support

1.2 Leadership of Learning

2.3 Learning, Teaching, Assessment




(what we are going to achieve?)




(what will we do?)


Measurement Tools

(How we will know we are making a difference?)



(what has improved?)



(who will lead this and who is involved?)

  • Pupils will have their learning needs appropriately met
  • Revisit Learning Environment
  • Audit of Current Practices.
  • Identify areas for development


  • Revisit Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
  • Audit of Current Practices.
  • Develop consistent approach across the school


  • Revisit Feedback
  • Audit of Current Practices.
  • Identify areas for development
  • Implement Feedback expectations identified last session


  • Revisit Effective Questioning
  • Revise how questioning can develop learners


  • Revisit Self and Peer Assessment
  • Make use of LI and SC to support real self and peer assessment

Dundee School Improvement Framework

Learning walk findings

Class visits

Feedback from parents and children and young people

Pre and post surveys

Feedback from school staff

Pre and post surveys

Teacher professional Judgement

Raised attainment


All children will have their individual needs met.


Classrooms will be accessible and supportive for learning an teaching


Children will have a clear understanding of what they are learning and why.


Children will have a clear understanding of what they have achieved and what they need to do to achieve more


All children will have a sense of accountability during lessons


Children will become more reflective and able to direct their own learning

Michelle Allan

Working Group


Whole Staff



Improvement Priority 3:

Raise attainment in Literacy and Numeracy

  • RAISE ATTAINMENT IN NUMERACY by 8% from 78% to 86% (related to CFE teacher judgement returns) 
  • RAISE ATTAINMENT IN READING by 4%from 86% to 90% (related to CFE teacher judgement returns) 


Key NIF Priorities:

Improvement in Attainment

Closing the Attainment Gap

Choose an item.

Tayside Five Priorities:

Meaningful Engagement, Extended Potential

Comparable Outcomes for All Despite Inequality-Disadvantage(Equity)

Choose an item.

Key NIF Drivers:

Teacher Professionalism

School Improvement

Assessement of Progress

Key HGIOS 4 QIs:

2.3 Learning, Teaching, Assessment

2.2 Curriculum

3.2 Raising Attainment-Achievement



(what we are going to achieve?)


(what will we do?)

Measurement Tools

(How we will know we are making a difference?)


(what has improved?)


(who will lead this and who is involved?)


(related to CFE teacher judgement returns) 







(related to CFE teacher judgement returns) 

Develop a consistent pedagogy

  • Explore the use of  Fife Pyramids across the school
  • Review tracking mechanisms for numeracy and maths

Support the use of concrete materials

  • Numicon training
  • Purchase other concrete resources which support numeracy

Develop effective feedback related to assessment

  • Using clear LI and SC to ensure understanding of processes
  • Ensure correct differentiation

(Ensure challenge in learning)

Ensure quality of discreet teaching

  • SIP Project 2
  • Professional support visits
  • TLC visits
  • Clear guidance as to what makes a good maths lesson

Provide opportunities for children to apply skills from discreet learning

  • Implement use of Holistic Assessments
  • Make use of skills in outdoor learning experiences
  • Use numeracy and mathematical learning in themed learning



Working Group established

  • Audit current practice and available resources
  • Comprehension framework developed
  • Share expectations of comprehension learning so that all staff are consistent in their approach.

Children experience regular comprehension focussed learning activities

  • Professional discussion at planning stage
  • Moderation of expectation
  • Clear progression established

Target support for pupils who require additional support in reading

  • SfL additionally used to support targeted children

Develop effective feedback related to assessment

  • Using clear LI and SC to ensure understanding of processes
  • Ensure correct differentiation

(Ensure challenge in learning)

Ensure quality of discreet teaching

  • SIP Project 2
  • Professional support visits
  • TLC visits
  • Clear guidance as to what makes a good reading and comprehension lesson

Provide opportunities for children to apply skills from discreet learning

  • Use comprehension learning in themed learning


Teacher Professional Judgement


Standardised Assessment Data/Pitfalls


Feedback from parents and children and young people


Pupil learning plans and achievement







Teacher Professional Judgement


Standardised Assessment Data/Pitfalls


Feedback from parents and children and young people


Pupil learning plans and achievement


Teacher judgement will be rigorous


Children will make use of concrete materials and have stronger understanding of concepts











Teachers are confident in their understanding of comprehension  teaching


Children confidently comprehend information and ideas form text and understand how this is created

Gordon Ferrier

Paul Young


Whole staff














Michelle Allan

Carol Smith Working Group TBC

Whole Staff


Appendix (i)


School Improvement Plan – Guidance


Tools for Measurement of Progress:

Self-Evaluation - assessment of current position (inwards, outwards, forwards - HGIOS 4)


Evidence from:


  • Teacher Professional Judgement

  • Standardised Assessment Data/Pitfalls/Insight

  • Inspection Findings

  • Changing Trends and Profiles

  • Feedback from parents and children and young people

  • Pupil learning plans and achievement

  • Collaborative Action Research models

  • Interventions for Equity

  • Exclusions and Attendance Data

  • Targeted groups: LAC; Young Carers; SIMD 1 and 2; FSM

  • Model for Improvement activities

  • Dundee School Improvement Framework


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